• 109 reviews
Allow Right-Click
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Allow Right-Click

Unlock the Full Power of the Web with Chrome Productivity Extensions

Imagine having a tool that enhances your online experience by offering you unrestricted access to web content . A tool that serves as a productivity booster, enabling you to leverage your business productivity by streamlining your online operations. One such productivity tool exists in the form of a top-rated Chrome extension .

The Ultimate Chrome Extension for Productivity

The Allow Right-Click extension for Chrome is a game-changing app that redefines your interaction with web content. With an impressive aggregate rating of 4.63 out of 5, it is clear that this chrome productivity app has won the hearts of many users. Let's delve deep into why this extension is highly regarded based on the user reviews and outstanding features it boasts.

Understanding the Chrome Extension

Some websites prevent the right-click action to prohibit users from copying or pasting content. This productivity enhancement extension is designed to counter that limitation, re-enabling the right-click context menu on such websites. Whether you are looking for social media productivity, email productivity or simply to organize your daily life by accessing any online content freely, this chrome extension is the ultimate solution.

Appreciations and Critiques

Users have showered the extension with positive reviews, praising its reliability and efficiency. Joe Albe, a satisfied user, appreciates the extension for restoring his Right-Click Context Menu on Office 365 Outlook Web Access. Maxime lauds the app for its elegance, ergonomic design, and ease of use. NewestKingTechoMan applauds it for its efficacy across multiple browsers, with no instances of ads or redirects.

However, every app has room for improvement. John Rosa stated that the extension works most of the time, but not always. Galaxy Ryder, while finding the extension perfect for discord on browser, implies that there could be situations where it might not function as expected.

Key Features of The Chrome Extension

This productivity app for chrome has several features that make it stand out. It re-enables default context menus based on the context, unblocks clipboard operations on sites that prevent them and provides a one-click toggle on and off feature. Furthermore, it automatically gets enabled on user-requested websites, disables web distraction by muting window alerts and other interrupting notifications. Lastly, it unblocks all pointer event blocking and image access within HTML5's custom elements.

How to Use The Chrome Extension

Using this productivity booster is as simple as clicking the toolbar button when the right-click is blocked on a website. This chrome productivity extension uses a non-persistent background script, meaning it does not use any resources unless the toolbar button is pressed, making it a more efficient choice compared to other alternatives.

From copying images from Instagram or 500px to copying videos from Instagram or TikTok, the Allow Right-Click Chrome extension is a powerful tool that maximizes your productivity by offering unrestricted access to web content. So, organize your daily schedule, enhance your online experience and boost your productivity with this top chrome extension.

This is the future of business productivity, and it begins with making the most out of the web. Don't get left behind, embrace the power of chrome productivity extensions and unlock your full potential today.

Re-enables right-click context menu.

Efficient, non-persistent background script.

One-click toggle on and off.

Automatically enables on user-requested sites.

Disables web distractions and interruptions.

May not work on all websites.

Could potentially enable unintended web access.

109 reviews
10 Reviews For This Extension
Moo Scree

Excellent extension by an excellent developer. Only one that works as expected.



best suggestions



Thanks a lot!


Goated. Absolutely the GOAT of extensions

Святослав Крамаренко (Jelano)

Thanks man

Dragon Ball

This is the reason why your YouTube history has started to show odd videos if you've been searching through your addons and wondering why that happened. The addon may have been sold out to a click farm by the creator.

Flemish Giant

Click the extensions button, click "enable for this site", right-click on the video, click save. Done.


not working

Jason %

Works like a charm. No complaints.

Users count

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